Saturday, February 11, 2012

What are the Causes of Autism? | New Health and Fitness - Filiberto ...

New Health And Fitness.Org - Health Information You Can Use

No one really has a definitive cause for autism, so identifying the causes can be tricky. ?Spectrum? disorder is what autism is often described as, since there is not one single condition, but many varieties. Those who are severely autistic, often must be institutionalized, since they are unable to care for even their most basic needs, while those with milder forms such as Asperger?s syndrome can function in society. Autism is quite complex and believed by most scientist to have multiple factors that attribute to it, not just one single cause. Many believe that genetics is some how involved in the process. Below we have listed some of the more probably theories for causes of autism. When it comes to mental illness we have to write something worthwhile so don?t expect to read nonsense about mens hats of some other writing pieced in here for length.

Eating a poor diet is quite possible one of the foundations of autism. As an example, there is data that shows that women who are deficient of vitamin D when they are pregnant can increase the chances of their baby being born with autism. One type of therapy for autism includes high doses of vitamins. Some researchers have also had success caring for autistic children by ridding their diets of gluten and dairy products. This indicates that some kids increase their chances of autism on the account that they can?t tolerate particular foods. The thought that autism can be medicated or potentially cured through diet is not accepted very well, as the typical thought is that it can?t be cured. Although there are a lot of people that claim they have been triumphant in remedying their autistic children in those manners.

There is evidence that one cause of autism is parents having children at an older age. It appears that the older a mother is, the more likely it is that her child will be autistic. The age of the father is also a factor, but to a lesser extent. This would help to explain why more people have been diagnosed with autism in recent years, as parents are increasingly waiting longer to have children. This is especially true in developed, or wealthier nations around the world. This is only one possible cause of autism, as many young parents also give birth to autistic children, and the majority of children born to older parents are not autistic. Yet it?s a fact that older parents are statistically more likely to have children with this condition.

Some scientists believe that the reason autism seems to be increasing in the population is due to environmental toxins. Mercury, lead and other heavy metals, are often cited as at least partly responsible for the increasing numbers of people being diagnosed with autism in recent decades. The use of pesticides, as well as toxic household chemicals have also been blamed as likely causes of autism. There is little doubt that people today are exposed to many more chemicals and toxins than in the past.

Before specialists can agree whether these things are a potential cause of autism, more research will need to be conducted. Some experts still debate whether the incidence of autism is actually more prevalent, or whether the diagnosis is now more widely given than previously. Autism is a condition that remains a mystery, even among the specialists who research into it. There are several contributing factors recognized by specialists that play a part, but the precise cause remains unknown. The causes may vary between two people with autism, as can the symptoms. Many specialists also disagree whether vaccinations could be a potential cause of autism or not. Continuing research will help experts to learn more about this condition.

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