Sunday, August 28, 2011

teddy - Kissing Disease Mono ? Health & Fitness

Mononucleosis is known as the ?Kissing Disease Mono.? However, the kissing disease mono is definitely not as funny as the name implies. It is called the kissing disease mono because it is spread through or is exchanged by infected saliva. Although kissing disease mono may occur at any age, it is known to be spread among 15 to 17 year olds. It will cause fever, swollen lymph glands and a sore throat.

If not treated with antibiotics, the mononucleosis symptom most often associated with mononucleosis, bodily fatigue, will invade other bodily functions and could even cause death. The disease known as mononucleosis is an attack by a herpes virus. The invading organism attacks red blood cells. As more and more red blood cells are attacked, the body makes more white blood cells to fight the invading virus.

Some of the other self mononucleosis treatments include throat lozenges and gargling with warm water so that you can soothe your throat. You need to make sure that you do not become dehydrated and that you are constantly drinking fluids. Depending on how sick you are, determines the amount of rest that you are going to need. If you are very sick, then you should not do anything that consists of lots of moving around. One of the worst things that you can do is to go out and play some sort of contact sport.

There is no treatment or drug for the kissing disease mono, however, because it is a cold based virus it will usually go away after it has run its course. Each individual symptom may be treated by getting plenty of bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, gargling warm salt water and using cough drops. Tylenol which contains acetaminophen or Ibuprofen may be taken to help control any fever.

These white blood cells actually attack red blood cells that are infected by the herpes type virus that causes the mononucleosis symptom of tiredness. Red blood cells are needed to fulfill all the functions of a healthy body.
White blood cells are needed to attack and to kill invading virus organisms. When the body is fighting an attack by an invading organism, it will signal a shut down of activity and actually initiate fatigue. The body needs to concentrate all of its internal functions into destroying the invading viral attack.

It takes a simple blood test to diagnose the ?kissing disease? and although the symptoms of mononucleosis are quite unpleasant and may persist for several weeks, the disease is perfectly treatable. The goal of treatment in most cases is to relieve the symptoms like getting some rest, using pain relievers and fever reducers and drinking lots of fluids in order to avoid dehydration. The fever usually disappears within ten days while the feeling of general discomfort will probably go away in four to six weeks.

Do you want to find info on what is mononucleosis ? Infectious Mononucleosis diagnosis, then visit our site to find the best advice on Mononucleosis leads to chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), study finds for you.


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