Saturday, January 12, 2013

The Skinners: Hampton's 1st Christmas...

One word to describe Hampton's first Christmas...FUN!!! ?Maybe spoiled should be the one word I use to describe it. That may be true but blessed is really the more appropriate word. ?We spent our Christmas loving on family and of course spoiling our little man and oh how fun it was!
(Disclaimer: ?there are a lot of pictures so the pictures and my ramblings in between may not make much sense but I gave it my best shot in effort to document our first Chrismat as a family!)

Let me start off with his visit with Santa...cutest thing EVER!
"So this is the Santa guy mommy and daddy have been telling me about..."

They had a nice little chat.....

?"Mommy did you get the picture?!?"
?"Good! ?Because I am done!"
?"I'm outta here Santa....but please come see me and don't forget my list!"

We started off our Christmas celebrating the weekend before Christmas which was nice because it made it last longer to me...

?It was also sweet Dawson's first Christmas! ?Aren't they just the cutest little cousins...though our little chunky monkey looks gigantic next to Dawson.
?Such a sweet little family...

?Hampton didn't even know what to think of all of the new fun and exciting toys he got...
?Where's Hampton...

?Can you tell we had just a little bit of fun...
?And Hampton got some pretty awesome toys!
?But the bows and paper were most entertaining...

?And so were the reindeer ears...he's a pretty handsome little reindeer

Hampton loves his sweet cousins so much!

We spent Christmas Eve continuing the celebrating!

?We couldn't let Christmas come and go without a little photo session of these sweet cousins...oh they tell so much of what is to come! ?Funny boys!

?We love each other...
?And now we've had enough...
?Our first Christmas as a that's the greatest gift of all!

After having so much fun with family we hurried home before Santa made his stop at our house. ?And when we woke up...
Being the sentimental momma that I am I needed pictures of all of our Christmas ornaments we added to the tree this year. ?After all little Hamp's first Christmas is a big deal around our house!

?By Christmas morning, Hampton had enough practice opening presents that he was a pro!

?Santa even left sweet Thor some goodies too! ?

?Hampton's new puppy friend was a hit!

We spent Christms morning taking it easy and enjoy every second with our sweet boy! ?We made breakfast, took pictures and just enjoyed Hampton play with all of his new goodies! ?It was perfect and I didn't want it to end!

?My little angel! ?What a gift you are!
?And growing up way too fast!

We spent the rest of the day with family and eating of course!

Our first Christmas was even more than I have ever dreamed of! ?It was just fun to be together celebrating the birth of our Savior and praising Him for the gifts He continues to give us every single day.

My sweet sweet gift...I already have all I had wished for this year!

By the end of the day...our little man was wiped out! Holding him in my arms that night I thought of Mary holding baby Jesus...our Savior...a tiny baby. ?What a gift! ?I am so thankful for the birth of our Lord...and all that He brings.

His blessings and love pour out on us and my heart can't keep from singing His praises!


st. joseph puerto rico primary manning peyton florida state meghan mccain wilson chandler

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