Sunday, November 4, 2012

Almost no one shows up to Elizabeth Warren ... - Legal Insurrection

The current Mayor and several former Mayors of Worcester, MA, held an ?endorsement rally? for Elizabeth Warren yesterday:

Mayor Joe Petty, along with Lt. Gov. Tim Murray and other Democrats, will lead an endorsement rally in front of Worcester City Hall at 9 a.m.

?I?m proud to stand with my predecessors,? Petty said in a statement. ?We?re coming together not out of politics, but for one simple reason: Elizabeth Warren is the only candidate in this race who will stick up for the needs of Worcester; for the working families that are the fabric of our community; and for the small businesses that drive our economy.?

Worcester and Central Massachusetts, with its historically conservative leanings, is considered a stronghold for Brown in predominately liberal Massachusetts. According to a September survey conducted by the Western New England University Polling Institute for The Republican/, 60 percent of those polled in Central Mass. were supporting Brown compared to 36 percent who said Warren was the candidate of choice.

Brown previously secured an endorsement from former Worcester Mayor Konstantina ?Konnie? Lukes, a conservative Democrat and current Worcester city councilor. Lukes also appeared in a TV ad on Brown?s behalf, saying she is ?impressed by Scott Brown?s independence, his ability to work with people on both sides of the aisle.?

If all you saw were the news reports and images, you?d think it was a great rally:

In fact, almost no one other than the politicians showed up for the rally:





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