If your credit is poor, take the first step to repairing it by closing out the majority of your cards, leaving yourself just one to use. You will want to either transfer your balances onto the one remaining card or set up payment arrangements, but close the account to new charges. By doing this, you can work towards completely paying off one credit card with a large debt, rather than working piecemeal with many smaller debts.
Source: dreamincpublishing.com
Video: No Upfront Fee Credit Card Debt Settlement
States, feds target debt settlement legal firms over upfront fees
The AFCC debt settlement trade group president defended his industry in an e-mailed statement: "AFCC members provide debt relief services to consumers who are in desperate need of financial help and get amazingly good results for those consumers," wrote Birnbaum, who is also a partner in a Florida law firm that represents the settlement firms sued by Illinois and North Carolina. "Hundreds of thousands of families have been helped by AFCC members through some of the toughest times in their lives, and while consumers have a lot of lawful debt relief options to choose from, AFCC continues to be a leader in consumer protection and lawful settlements."
Source: creditcards.com
The Association of Credit Counseling Professionals Supports New FTC Rules Aimed at Cleaning up the Debt Settlement Industry
Predictably, the new FTC rule has not been well received by most debt settlement providers. With the support of their trade organizations, many settlement agency executives have claimed that it would be difficult or impossible for providers to offer debt settlement services without charging high up-front fees. ACCPros takes issue with this position, as its members routinely provide financial counseling and debt management plans every day for minimal or no fees. ACCPros member agencies, all of which are licensed and bonded and meet strict member standards, are already prepared to meet consumer needs within the guidelines outlined by the FTC.
Source: xjtcpost.com
Credit Card Relief Solutions: Debt Settlement vs. Consumer Credit Counseling
Small business owners who accept the credit cards as the payment methods have to purchase standard processing equipments which are connected to a bank system. They can only check the authorization of the credit cards after the customer leaves. Therefore, they will keep running a potential risk until the credit card is ensured. With the appearance of Smartphone credit card processing tools which can be used on an iPhone, a Windows Phone, or an Android handset, they will be assured. Read more
Source: creditcardsguidance.com
Nonprofit Credit Counseling Agency Announces Free Help Available for South Florida Homeowners to Avoid Foreclosure
The same principles that apply in helping people manage their credit card debt can also work for people who are struggling to pay their mortgage. As you begin the credit counseling process, your counselor will need to see documentation of your regular monthly household income as well as your regular monthly expenses. With this information, your counselor will be able to assess your financial situation and get to work in tailoring a budget specific to your current financial situation. Credit counselors are highly skilled at budget management and will help you determine what expenses you can reduce or eliminate altogether. For instance, if you go out to eat with your coworkers every day for lunch, your credit counselor will most likely suggest packing a lunch each day instead. And while making your grocery list, purchase only the necessities and buy generic whenever possible. For larger expenses such as monthly utility bills, your credit counselor may suggest tips such as cutting back on your cable and cell phone packages. You might also find that you can lower the cost of your car insurance payments by decreasing the coverage on your plan. Though the dollar amounts you are saving may seem small at first, successfully managing a budget can save you quite a bit of money, and every dollar you save can be applied toward paying your mortgage and saving your home. Source: seositemanager.com
Source: debtsettlementusaco.com
ConsumerWatch: Credit Counseling Firm Refunds Up
[...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] [...] ?He contacted all of the credit card companies to find out if any interest rates had been reduced, if there was any activity on the part of A.W.D.,? wife Dianne Smith recalled. ?There was no activity at all.? Looking for help, Dianne Smith called ConsumerWatch.Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]Source: cbslocal.com [...]
Source: cbslocal.com
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Tags: cbslocal, com, credit card debt settlement, debt relief options, florida law firm
Source: http://debtreliefmag.com/credit-card-debt-settlement-bad-credit-tips-to-help-you-turn-it-around/
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