He looks Presidential. He talks Presidential. He has an inside track to the Wall Street Bankers who got all the Stimulus money.... He is a ringer for the same team that funded Obama. I bet he gets the Rep Nomination then throws the fight.... Oh here's one more... I heard Romneys Father was a Union Rep... another Socialist Group that funded Obama and Romney has inroads there too. I say he is on the same team as Obama and I dont want him.
Simply put. A lot of his Bain deals were co-financed by Goldman Sachs, who happen to be his largest campaign contributors currently. A Wall Street guy for sure. He is not going to be good for the country.
It is the conflicted interests between Wall Street and the White House that bothers me. Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Pres. Reagan said the first loss of freedom will come in the form of Socialized Medicine. Its really neat-o how both Romney and Obama made that their main priorities.
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