Friday, May 25, 2012

Explode Your Network Marketing Business By Beating Your ...

Show Some Button Love

No Excuses Summit 3 is still fresh in my mind and the high-energy presentation by boy-genius Russel Brunson was a highlight.

Russell taught a ton about paid ads and how to use them but there is one nugget that inspired today's post:

One of the most effective places to advertise are conservative news and conservative talk radio websites and outlets.

Network Marketing Business

No political opinion's just a fact that more conservatives are interested in finding network marketing success than other groups in the political spectrum (but certainly not the only ones....)

And I know, from decades of personal experience, that conservatives listen to talk radio. Lots of talk radio...

It's quite easy to find local or nationally syndicated talk radio shows on from 0'dark-thirty in the AM until late at night, or even around the clock. These shows are chock-full of all the political minutia and details that, frankly, you just don't need to know.

You really don't want to introduce politics to your public persona. It's polarizing and it will limit the reach of your influence.

You are here to help everybody, regardless of their political leanings. really want to know who to vote for? Go online and look at their voting record, find the ones who vote for the stuff you believe in, and vote for them...don't listen to their marketing -look at their record.

If you are serious about creating a life-changing income with your network marketing business then it's time for entrepreneurial immersion in the stuff that is going to create the thoughts and actions that lead to your success.

One successful method to beat an addiction (and let's face radio is an addiction...) is to replace the addiction with something else that is more inline with who you want to be.

May I suggest the Home Business Radio Network?

An absolutely FREE resource with how-to, industry news updates and mindset programming. 24/7 content that you can access to uplift, inspire and educate...

As you plan your day, prospecting-marketing-training your team-following up with leads-your company training calls-etc, the Home Business Radio Network is a much healthier filler than most other options.

I don't have a dog in this affiliate back-end's just a tip to help you fill your life and mind with the stuff that will make a difference in your network marketing business.

I'd love to hear your feedback about the shows on the Home Business Radio Network and how listening affects your mindset...

If you enjoyed this post please comment and share if you want more content like this... About Tom Bradley Tom is an old-school sales guy who made a boatload of money using attraction marketing before it even had a name. Now he dedicates his time to building his network marketing organization and helping others earn real money with their home-based businesses.

Call Tom-702-245-7468 | | Skype-twbradley | Work With Tom ?

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Don't Go Just Yet

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